ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsLogicMonitor "Application ELB" Datasource returns NoData instead of metric for ELB 5XX We have noticed "HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count” Datapoint from "AWS_Application_ELB” Datasource configured to collect "Raw Data” from AWS ELB following the Metric path "AWS/ApplicationELB>>HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count>Sum” and whenever it detects Cloudwatch metrics has value, it returns value in Logicmonitor datapoint as well Example: (When Cloudwatch has metrics for 5XX, below displays in poll) HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count 18.0 (When Cloudwatch has empty/null metrics, below displays in poll) HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count NoData But after we resolve the 5XX error, Cloudwatch metrics value will be empty/null in aws that reflects NoData for the Datapoint in LogicMonitor. Our Requirement: We should not get NoData even if the CloudWatch metrics empty/null Could someone please suggest a solution for this requirement SolvedTo pass a string to python script using Linux/Unix Script parameters from datasource Hello, We have a python program which retrieve the customer send/receive details using a customer name, and we are using upload script option (Linux/Unix Script field) to execute the python program and its parameters are passing through a simple shellscript as below, Parameters we are trying to pass are Customer name and passcode ###Name of the shellscript: #/bin/bash python /usr/local/logicmonitor/agent/local/bin//sps/ $@ We are able to pass the customer name if it is a single word i.e SPU but if we try to pass the customer name with space inbetween i.e "SPU UPS" its not working. we have tried with Underscore inbetween i.e "SPU_UPS" its working, but we think underscore also passing as a value and not indicating space between the words while passing to the python script. Could someone please provide a solution for passing the customer name with space as a parameter to the script. PFA Re: To obtain a report from LM of datasources and how many devices are using those datasources. 1 hour ago, mnagel said: I would use the API to walk the list of devices, then scan devicedatasources for each device and tabulate the results. AFAIK there is no builtin report for this. Can you please direct me to helpful API document and Articles! To obtain a report from LM of datasources and how many devices are using those datasources. Do we have a way to obtain a report from LM of datasources and how many devices are using those datasources, like datasources and AppliedTo Combined
Top ContributionsLogicMonitor "Application ELB" Datasource returns NoData instead of metric for ELB 5XXSolvedTo pass a string to python script using Linux/Unix Script parameters from datasourceRe: To obtain a report from LM of datasources and how many devices are using those datasources.To obtain a report from LM of datasources and how many devices are using those datasources.