Forum Discussion

venkat's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
7 months ago

Servicenow Integration

We have Integrated LogicMonitor with servicenow and everything is working as expected,now we want to update resolution & Resolution code in Servicenow for the clear event can you let us know if it can be sent in the payload to update it.

I tried it like this but does not seem to work.

Resolution Code":"##servicenow.Solved (Permanently)##","Resolution" : “Alert reset - issue detected as resolved by logicmonior” }

  • Yes I passsed them as cusom properies and it started working.



  • Hi, Venkat,

    Are "resolution code" and "resolution" valid ServiceNow JSON properties?

    ##servicenow.Solved (Permanently)## seems to be a custom token, if this is a property on a Resource in the LM portal the value should be passed along successfully.

  • Yes I passsed them as cusom properies and it started working.

