Forum Discussion

asikarwar's avatar
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4 months ago

Windows ProcessMonitoring



Are you not seeing huge RAW numbers for ProcessCPUPercent.

You are using the following formula


Is that sufficient? Cause we are not factoring CPU logical cores etc. to get a meaningful percentage.

Basically I am facing an issue which is described very well here in this post, but none of the solutions worked to get a meaningful percentage.

Need your suggestion as in how you are handing these values in dashboards, because table widgets are not showing these value as they populate under Raw data.

See how in a table widget it does not show decimal but in Raw data it does.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Thanks, Ashish

  • Anonymous's avatar
    4 months ago

    Raw data is converting it to scientific notation, which requires a decimal point. Those two numbers are the exact same number.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Raw data is converting it to scientific notation, which requires a decimal point. Those two numbers are the exact same number.

  • Yes I agree they are two exact same numbers. But users having hard times understanding the values and most of them because there is no decimal misinterpret it as scary long CPU percentage number. I was wondering if we can make this more comprehensible for the users.

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Feel free to adjust as necessary. You could create a complex datapoint that scales the number. You could also use an expression to scale the number in the dashboard widget.

  • Thank You Stuart!

    But not able to scale it down to be comprehensible. Reached out to LM support and they asked me to log a feedback.

  • I will just leave it as it is not all the time we see these long numbers.

    • Anonymous's avatar

      The calculation is right. For reference see this article

      Returns elapsed time that all of the threads of this process used the processor to execute instructions in 100 nanoseconds ticks. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions is included in this count.

      It shouldn't need to be scaled. If it's showing odd for one of your devices, it might be that that device has an issue returning the right number via WMI.