Testing LogicModules without updating?
I looked around in the LogicModules at the BGP- LogicModule (datasource) because I plan to update the current one we have (older) to the latest.
I was hoping that I could go to the Exchange page and test it in the UI (changing but not saving) or something. But I guess thats a security risk and wouldnt be allowed.
I then tried to look at the update/diff stage of the update on the MyToolbox side, hoping I could actually run the code from there somehow with an alteration. Again, I guess there is a security concern. But I did use the copy icon on the update (right) side to export the data, and I tried to edit it with a new name and import it but its not valid for import.
So then I went to our test portal, we have a separate one for testing, and I updated to the latest over there, and then did an export from a fully-installed one. I was able to edit that one by changing the names and display names and wiping out the metadata block and changing the file export name field, and the applies to was swapped to false() and then I validated I could import it BACK into the test server without breaking the one I updated (the real one). Since this work I then updated this FAKE-BUT-UPDATED one to our real portal as well. Once it was imported and saved, THEN I was able to test against real devices by changing the applied-to in the UI but never saving, just running. All was well on all the servers I tested on, so I feel good about doing the update.
But WOW. Is there an easier way? I wish I could test the updated code before actually updating, without this circuitous approach.
Am I missing something obvious? Is there a better way?