Forum Discussion

manthena2020's avatar
21 days ago

Table Widget / Perform expression on datapoint

I have a requirement. I want to Display numeric Values in Widgets into Alphabets. Any solution

    • manthena2020's avatar
      Icon for Advisor rankAdvisor

      My Datapoint has Value = 0 . I want it to Diasplay as Offline 

      • Mike_Moniz's avatar
        Icon for Professor rankProfessor

        Yeah, nothing built-in for that. Normally I would either put in note in the title of the widget or the column (like "0=offline") or have a text widget explaining specific columns and codes.

        Another trick I use is the column's color bars so it makes it a bit more obvious. For example if 0=offline and 1=online, I would set the color bars for that column to have Red when current value is =0 and fiddle with the min/max values so it fills in the whole cell.

    • Stuart_Weenig's avatar
      Icon for Mastermind rankMastermind
      Stuart_Weenig wrote:

      No way to do that that I'm aware of.


  • You mean you want to convert an ASCII value, as a number, into a character? No way to do that that I'm aware of. You could possibly script something in javascript in a text widget, but that'd be extremely hackey.