Forum Discussion

SteveBamford's avatar
3 years ago

Stopping properties from Cascading down to lower levels.

So I have been working on integrating data from our CMDB into LogicMonitor for use with alerting and observability and integration, all is going well, and I do have a work around for this, my question is basically is there a way to stop Custom Properties cascading down to instances.

For example I currently have a field called cmdb.deviceId which contains a link to our CMDB and sharedservices.dependancies which contains a list of the applications that are present on the hypervisor and Cluster, what I have found is if either of these are not present on the instance then they are cascaded for the device its self, perhaps for the deviceId that is not a bad idea, but for the applications list that is not a good idea as the reason a hypervisor may not have any sharedService data as we do not have it from the CMDB.

I can obviously work round this by setting a value in sharedservices.dependancies to "none" and overwriting it, but was just wondering if anyone else had thoughts.

  • Anonymous's avatar
    3 years ago

    As far as I know, there's no way to stop this behavior. It's one of the key pieces of functionality that is the "Logic" in "LogicMonitor". 

2 Replies

  • Anonymous's avatar

    As far as I know, there's no way to stop this behavior. It's one of the key pieces of functionality that is the "Logic" in "LogicMonitor". 

  • 42 minutes ago, Stuart Weenig said:

    As far as I know, there's no way to stop this behavior. It's one of the key pieces of functionality that is the "Logic" in "LogicMonitor". 

    Thanks Stewart, I have just amended my script to set the sharedservice.dependancy field to None on the Hypervisor Instance and VM instance if applicable, which works just as well for me and will still show the cluster (Device) data if you expand the field anyway, so I think I can live with that, and in all honesty I think having at least a link to the cluster as the CMDB DeviceId field will at least give anyone the top level data in the CMDB.