Forum Discussion

lucjad's avatar
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9 days ago

Static Thresholds

I am trying to set static threshold for SQL Server Databases, State at the group level. My criteria is to set warning for any value but 0 (online), and Error for 4-6 (Suspect, Emergency, Offline). I set up static threshold for warning: All Day when the State value is not equal to 0 will trigger warning. Then I tried to do it for error 4-6 values but Logic Monitor says that I can only have one All Day static threshold. How do I set it up so it has all these requirements? (Do  I just set up multiple thresholds with different time frames?) 

Warn anything but 0 (online), Error for 4-6 (Suspect, Emergency, Offline).

  • What are the valid range of State values? If it's 0-6 then something like using ">0 3" (or >=1 4) would work. That will cause a warning if 1, 2, or 3, and an error if it's 4, 5, or 6.

    Unfortunately you can't directly mix different operations in the same threshold, like you can't have "!=0, >3 3". But if you need to deal with say negative status codes also causing warnings. You may need to create a custom Complex DataPoint that either changes around the status codes (like say changing OK to -10 instead of 0) or even creating a Complex DataPoint that only returns 0 (OK), 1 (warning), or 2 (error) with what conditions you want. Note that doing the last one doesn't provide a lot of flexibility for tuning though.