Forum Discussion
We forked it due to some issues with ancient SDK's and many small bugs + needed to add some other dep's (wmic) in the run time and we got persistent mounts for things like netflow (If you crate /usr/local/logicmonitor/bin/netflow and persitent mount it the script says it already installed and refuses which we have a patch for) which it does not support..
Then there is this:
- Proxy support broken in offical one it does not honour the proxy settting's passed to the container ONLY for the initial python pull but not the install it self
- Netflow ports broken in official one will try bring container up on 2055 we have stuff bound to 2055 that samplicates
- Nbar reverts back to disabled
- Syslog ports broken same like netflow
- Some odd cert issues with the official one due to DNS caching and IP's changing
Message me if you want to see what we have done?
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- 13 days ago