Forum Discussion

sanstorm's avatar
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7 months ago

Restore removed device in Device Group

We were in process of adding 4 devices in the device group. While adding 4th device in the Logic Monitor, chose wrong device group folder. To fix the issue accidentally removed device from the group folder but after that unable to find device anywhere. 

As per below article, In Step 4, I chose "Remove from the group"

Ref :


Though when I checked for the settings > collectors > resources, its showing (3 of 4 devices) under the collector. 

If I am trying to add the device again under the same collector, its giving an error that "There is another host (id=12345, displayName=xyz) with the same hostname (or IP) and monitored by the same collector.

How do I find the 4th device and add back to the right device group ?

Any help will be appreciated.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    haha, yeah, if you remove a device from its last group, it's in LM, but nowhere in the resource tree.

    Create a group called "All Devices" and set the appliesto to "true()". That way there will always be at least one group that all the devices will be in.

  • sanstorm 

    Good to have same device under more than one group, as it will allow them to recover without any issue..

    I've created a default group named Collectors and main one as Jump Boxes. So, If I delete Jump Boxes group then I can get them back because they are also the part of Collectors group.

    Hope this helps

  • If we delete the collector, Does that will remove all the associated devices ?

    • Anonymous's avatar

      It won't let you delete the collector before permanently deleting (or reassigning to a different collector) the devices and websites it's monitoring. 

  • We are ready to start from scratch. So how do we delete all the devices and collector ? Any suggestions. 

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Create a group called "All Devices" and set the appliesto to "true()". That way there will always be at least one group that all the devices will be in.

      Then you can delete all the devices from the system. Then go to "Recently deleted" in the resource tree and permanently delete it. Then go to the collectors page and delete the collector.