Forum Discussion

dorian_fuchs's avatar
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12 months ago

REST API Device SLA Widget

Hi Portal

I am currently automating our SLA reporting and have come across the following issue.
When I create a device SLA widget via REST API, I do not have the option "displayPercentageBar". When I make an Inspect in Chrome, for example, I see this setting:

However, when I set it via REST API, nothing happens. Has anyone ever had to deal with this?


  • Hey Dorian,

    As mentioned by Anonymous I would suggest raising a support ticket so we can investigate this for you.

    Kind regards

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Assuming you’re doing a put on /dashboard/widgets/{id}?

    Are you enforcing v3 of the API? Does the UI use v3 of the API or v4?

  • Yes, I have tested PUT or PATCH, in the end it comes to the same thing.
    I have tested V2 & V3 of the API, neither of which works. The UI needs V3 as far as I can tell.
    The funny thing is that the setting is not documented anywhere.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Sounds like time to bring it up with LM support. I also assume you’ve tested it in postman and it failed?

  • Hey Dorian,

    As mentioned by Anonymous I would suggest raising a support ticket so we can investigate this for you.

    Kind regards