Forum Discussion

David_Bond's avatar
Icon for Professor rankProfessor
7 months ago

Resource Tree is BACK!

Thank the feedback gods, Product IS listening and I can single-click to view the resource tree once more:

(checks list for next item...)

  • I wish there were customized options for controlling the navigation Icons. I would like to customize the size, they are way bigger than they need to be along the left. Ideally, I'd be able to define which Icons on the left can be rolled up under an ellipsis, for times I'm on a lower resolution monitor, because the UI in those cases likes to roll up Settings under an Ellipsis. But mostly thats not an issue. But I want to define which ones would be forced to show.

    I'd also like the ability to change the colors because that blue in UIv4, on the navigation Icons, and really the colors and button edges and whatnot, are pretty garish for my tastes. Pretty intense. I'd love to change them all to greyscale. :)

    Also, I'd like a football, a Rock-Em-Sock-Em toy, new shoes, and a pony. Thank you Santa. :)

    • Mike_Moniz's avatar
      Icon for Professor rankProfessor

      If you use a browser add-in like Stylus, you can override CSS with your own stuff (just in your browser). Mostly used this to make sandbox look diff from prod. Example you may like:

      /* ==UserStyle==
      @name           Nav Bar changes for
      @version        1.0.0-nocolors-icononly
      @description    Changes LM UIv4 nav bar to just icons and mostly b/w
      ==/UserStyle== */
          /* Nav Bar */
          width: 40px;
          padding: 1px;
          overflow-x: hidden;
          /* Button text */
          display: none;        /* remove to show text */
          font-size: 0.60rem;   /* tiny text */
          /* Color of buttons */
          background-color: #393939;
          /* Color of button when hovering */
          background-color: #626262;
          /* Color of active button */
          background-color: #aaa;


      • Anonymous's avatar

        That highlights just how easy it would be to theme LM, something that was suggested as a possible end goal when UIv4 was in its infancy 4 years ago.

    • Anonymous's avatar

      RBAC needs to catch up to them. It used to be that each button on the button bar could be turned on/off on the user level (should have been doable on the role level). Somewhere along the way, LM lost the 1:1 relationship between those checkboxes on the user permissions and the buttons.

      For example, there's no services button anymore (it's under the resources page) and the resource explorer can't be turned off.

    • David_Bond's avatar
      Icon for Professor rankProfessor

      Every MSP: "Please can we customize the stylesheet so we can brand our customers' experience of LM".  I'm amazed that this isn't a thing yet.