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DamienC's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
4 months ago

Python script to run API call - AddWebsite - Need help with collectors


I'm having troubles having a python script to work properly.
I manage to have my webcheck created. But it always comes with no collector/checkpoint.

Looking at the API sdk documentation doesn't really help me figure what I'm doing wrong.

I tried doing a GET on existing webchecks, to copy/paste the following blocks: test_location, Checkpoints, Collectors.

Here is a sample of my script:

(the collector name is: "domain\\servername")

I grabbed these blocks from the getwebsitelist output:


Here is the API output when I try to create the webcheck:

{'alert_expr': '',
 'checkpoints': [{'geo_info': 'Overall', 'id': randomNumber, 'smg_id': 0}],
 'collectors': [],
 'description': 'Test API by Damien',
 'disable_alerting': True,
 'domain': 'Valid_website_url',
 'global_sm_alert_cond': 0,
 'group_id': 321,
 'id': 4701,
 'ignore_ssl': True,
 'individual_alert_level': 'warn',
 'individual_sm_alert_enable': False,
 'is_internal': True,
 'last_updated': 1732304976,
 'name': 'testDamien',
 'overall_alert_level': 'warn',
 'page_load_alert_time_in_ms': 30000,
 'polling_interval': 5,
 'properties': [],
 'role_privileges': [],
 'schema': 'http',
 'status': 'dead-collector',
 'steps': [{'auth': None,
            'description': '',
            'enable': True,
            'follow_redirection': True,
            'fullpage_load': False,
            'http_body': '',
            'http_headers': '',
            'http_method': 'GET',
            'http_version': '1.1',
            'invert_match': False,
            'keyword': 'Alive',
            'label': '',
            'match_type': 'plain',
            'name': '__step0',
            'path': '',
            'post_data_edit_type': None,
            'req_script': '',
            'req_type': 'config',
            'require_auth': False,
            'resp_script': '',
            'resp_type': 'config',
            'schema': 'http',
            'status_code': '',
            'timeout': 30,
            'type': 'script',
            'url': '',
            'use_default_root': True}],
 'stop_monitoring': False,
 'stop_monitoring_by_folder': False,
 'template': None,
 'test_location': {'all': True,
                   'collector_ids': [],
                   'collectors': [],
                   'smg_ids': []},
 'transition': 5,
 'trigger_ssl_expiration_alert': False,
 'trigger_ssl_status_alert': False,
 'type': 'webcheck',
 'use_default_alert_setting': False,
 'use_default_location_setting': False,
 'user_permission': 'write'}

And how it looks in the portal:


Anyone has any idea of what I may be missing ?

Thanks in advance.

  • I don't think you need to post all that for the test location. 

    I looked through my code and all i'm passing is the `collectorId` and `all` like this: 

        website = Website(
                "collectorIds": [1,2],
                "all": True,


    • cna's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      Forgot to include more details...

      This took me a while to figure this out as well since the SDK docs aren't really clear. Since the SDK is just automatically generated via swagger, I often find myself digging through the API docs to try to piece together what's needed. 
      There's no equivalent doc for v3 API, but I can confirm this still is still the same in v3.

      (also i just noticed that IDs 1 and 2 used in my example aren't valid... but the point still stands. find the IDs of our collectors and that's all you need.)


  • DamienC- did you get this working yet?

    Is the collector you're trying to use actually dead? It's possible it's not allowing you to add dead collectors as your test location.

    I checked my code again. I only include test_location, but i noticed there's a `is_internal` flag. Ae you setting that to true? 

    • DamienC's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      Thanks for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate.

      My code does include the "is internal" boolean.
      The collectors I'm using are working. I tried a few differents, just to rule that out.

      These were good advices, thank you.
      If anyone else sees something else, feel free to participate :D

      Too bad LM support considers this as "custom" work and won't help. To me, creating a webcheck is fairly standard work, no matter if it's through an API or the GUI.

  • Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply. :)
    I figured I was (maybe?) passing too much data.
    Giving that a try in a few minutes and I'll update this post.

  • cnaStill no luck here. Still shows "dead collector" in the reply body. And in the portal is shows no collector at all.

    Dumb question: Does your script have a block for "collectors" and one for "checkpoints" ?
    If so, what do they look like in yours ?
    Or do you only have that simple "test_location" block and that's it ?

    ...It's really annoying the LM support doesn't want to help with this...