Forum Discussion
3 years agoSorry, here's the original if you want to compare to @Austin Culbertson's.
Discovery Script:
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch import com.santaba.agent.util.Settings host = hostProps.get("system.hostname") user = hostProps.get("ssh.user") pass = hostProps.get("ssh.pass") port = hostProps.get("ssh.port") ?: 22 cert = hostProps.get("ssh.cert") ?: '~/.ssh/id_rsa' timeout = 15000 // timeout in milliseconds try { def userCmd = getCommandOutput('ps ax -o pid,user,tty') if (userCmd[0]==2) { println(userCmd[1]) return 2 } else { users = userCmd[1].readLines().collectEntries{[it.tokenize(" ")[0], [it.tokenize(" ")[1],it.tokenize(" ")[2]]]} output = getCommandOutput('ps ax -o pid,command') if (output[0] == 2){ return 3 } else { def processes = output[1].readLines() processes.subList(2,processes.size()-2).each{ e = it.tokenize(" ") pid = e[0] command = e[1..e.size()-1].join(" ") print("${pid}##[${pid}]${command}######") print("pid=${pid}") if (users[pid]){ print("&tty=${users[pid][1]}") print("&user=${users[pid][0]}") } else { print("&user=UnknownUser") } print("\n") } return 0 } } } catch (Exception e) {println "Unexpected Exception : " + e; return 1} def getCommandOutput(String input_command) { try { jsch = new JSch() if (user && !pass) {jsch.addIdentity(cert)} session = jsch.getSession(user, host, port) session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no") String authMethod = Settings.getSetting(Settings.SSH_PREFEREDAUTHENTICATION, Settings.DEFAULT_SSH_PREFEREDAUTHENTICATION) session.setConfig("PreferredAuthentications", authMethod) session.setTimeout(timeout) if (pass) {session.setPassword(pass)} session.connect() channel = session.openChannel("exec") channel.setCommand(input_command) def commandOutput = channel.getInputStream() channel.connect() def output = commandOutput.text channel.disconnect() return [0,output] } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() return [2,"Error in SSH connection"] } finally {session.disconnect()} }
Collection Script:
import com.jcraft.jsch.JSch import com.santaba.agent.util.Settings host = hostProps.get("system.hostname") user = hostProps.get("ssh.user") pass = hostProps.get("ssh.pass") port = hostProps.get("ssh.port") ?: 22 cert = hostProps.get("ssh.cert") ?: '~/.ssh/id_rsa' timeout = 15000 // timeout in milliseconds try { def output = getCommandOutput('ps aux') if (output[0] == 2){ println(output[1]) return 2 } else { output = output[1].readLines() output.subList(2,output.size()-2).each{line -> e = line.tokenize(" ") println("${e[1]}.cpu: ${e[2]}") println("${e[1]}.mem: ${e[3]}") println("${e[1]}.vsz: ${e[4]}") println("${e[1]}.rss: ${e[5]}") } return 0 } } catch (Exception e) {println "Unexpected Exception : " + e; return 1} def getCommandOutput(String input_command) { try { jsch = new JSch() if (user && !pass) {jsch.addIdentity(cert)} session = jsch.getSession(user, host, port) session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no") String authMethod = Settings.getSetting(Settings.SSH_PREFEREDAUTHENTICATION, Settings.DEFAULT_SSH_PREFEREDAUTHENTICATION) session.setConfig("PreferredAuthentications", authMethod) session.setTimeout(timeout) if (pass) {session.setPassword(pass)} session.connect() channel = session.openChannel("exec") channel.setCommand(input_command) def commandOutput = channel.getInputStream() channel.connect() def output = commandOutput.text channel.disconnect() return [0,output] } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace() return [2,"Problem with SSH connection"] } finally {session.disconnect()} }
I have these discovery filters setup to make it easy to pick and choose which processes are monitored based on properties set on the group/resource:
I also group by user because that's often helpful:
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