Forum Discussion

Kieran's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
2 months ago

Meraki Netscan Filters


We have an issue with Netscan for Meraki where the meraki.tags filter does not seem to be honoured

If we have a device tagged "Production" and we add a filter for meraki.tags Production it appears to pick this up, however if it has multiple tags it no longer works.

I cannot seem to figure out the correct filter to get this to work, has anyone had any joy with this and can point me in the right direction.

I have tried equal, contain, regexmatch and none seem to work correctly.

Many Thanks


    • Kieran's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      Yes Apologies, I think I raised the first one in the incorrect location :)

  • SuzanneShaw's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager

    Hi Kieran! I was on a call with Meraki today, and I will ping our experts specifically to this question.  Would love for you to join our live webinar with our LM product manager and our Cisco Meraki product manager on Thursday if you can, and there will be an opportunity to ask questions and functionality live

    • Kieran's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      Hi Suzanne I would definitely be interested in this, what time will it be at?

      For info I have resolved the issue 

      if any one comes looking and is having the same issues it seems the netscan grabs all the devices then filters off the list it receives, the filters appear to apply the "AND" operator so the resolution for us was to configure 2 filters "Meraki.tags" Exists * and "Meraki.tags" Contain PRODUCTION.

      we are now receiving the correct devices irrelevant of number of tags and devices without tags are not being processed which is great.