LM monitoring IBM Storage V7000 and Flash Systems
We would like to add our IBM storage on LM and with no success. There is a custom datasource that was given to us but it does not work. Did anyone successfully add their IBM storage in LM? Here is a copy of the Datasource we are using. It is supposed to be a cluster statistics.
//script for IBM Cluster Statistics Active Discovery
import javax.cim.*
import javax.security.auth.Subject
import javax.wbem.*
import javax.wbem.client.*
// variables to hold system info
def hostname = "https://" + hostProps.get("system.hostname")
def username = hostProps.get("cim.user")
def password = hostProps.get("cim.pass")
//variables to hold cim information
def namespace = "root/ibm"
def cim_class = "IBMTSSVC_Cluster"
//connect to WBEM server and retrieve a WBEM client
client = connectToLink(hostname, username, password)
//loop through instances
getDesiredMetrics(client, cim_class,namespace).each
{ output->
//instacne name
entry_name = output.'ID'
//instance level properties
console_IP = output.'ConsoleIP'
console_port = output.'ConsolePort'
//prints in active discovery format
println "${entry_name}##${entry_name}######auto.ibm.cluster.consoleip=${console_IP}&&auto.ibm.cluster.consoleport=${console_port}"
return 0//success!!
// Catch any exception, print it out and return 1.
catch (Exception e)
println e
return 1 //fail!!
* Helper method that obtains the desired metrics
* @param WBEMClient client
* @param String cim_class
* @param String namespace
* @return Array of instances' and their metrics.
def getDesiredMetrics(WBEMClient client, String cim_class, String namespace)
//list of desired instances' properties
def instance_List = []
//map of instances' and their given properties
def metrics_Map = [:]
//grabs all instances
final CloseableIterator<CIMInstance> iterator = client.enumerateInstances(new CIMObjectPath(cim_class, namespace), true, false, false, null)
//goes through the instances
while (iterator.hasNext())
//current instance
final CIMInstance instance = iterator.next()
//grabs properties for an instance
props = instance.getProperties()
//iterates through list of propertes
{ it ->
//add to map of metrics for a given instance
//add a given instance's map to list of instances
//clear map for next instance
metrics_Map = [:]
// Catch WMEME exception, print it out
catch (WBEMException e)
print e.toString()
//return list of instances and their metric maps
return instance_List
* Helper method that handles the API connection.
* @param hostname
* @param username
* @param password
* @return API client
def connectToLink (String hostname, String username, String password)
//grabs desired URL for given device
URL cimomUrl = new URL("https://${hostname}:5989")
//establishes client and path to connect
final WBEMClient client = WBEMClientFactory.getClient(WBEMClientConstants.PROTOCOL_CIMXML)
final CIMObjectPath path = new CIMObjectPath(cimomUrl.getProtocol(), cimomUrl.getHost(), String.valueOf(cimomUrl.getPort()), null, null, null)
//holder for credentials
final Subject subject = new Subject()
//establishes username and password credentials
subject.getPrincipals().add(new UserPrincipal(username))
subject.getPrivateCredentials().add(new PasswordCredential(password))
//initializes client pool
client.initialize(path, subject, null)
// Catch any exception, print it out
catch (Exception e)
print e.toString()
return client