Forum Discussion

Dominique's avatar
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3 years ago

List of Machines under SDT or with Planned SDT


Do we have a dashboard, screen, report which could show all machines having a current SDT or a planned SDT?

A global approach not one-by-one machine...


  • #Requires -Version 5.1
    Description - Update-WidgetDS_with_SDT.ps1
                  PS script to interrogate LogicMonitor REST API and modify target text widget with SDT data
    Set-Strictmode -Version Latest
    $ErrorActionPreference     = 'Stop'
    $Global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    $Global:VerbosePreference  = 'SilentlyContinue'
    $VerbosePreference         = 'Continue'
    ####################### VARS ###########################
    # Initialize Variables
    [string]$accessId          = '##SDT.ACCESS.ID##'
    [string]$accessKey         = '##SDT.ACCESS.KEY##'
    # [string]$company           = '##LM.COMPANY##'
    [string]$company           = 'xxxxxxxxxx'
    [string]$hostname          = '##SYSTEM.HOSTNAME##'
    # [string]$dashboardId       = '##DASHBOARD.ID##'
    [string]$dashboardId       = '52'
    # [string]$dashboardWidgetID = '##WIDGET.ID##'
    [string]$dashboardWidgetID = '2227'
    $script_name               = 'Update-WidgetDS_with_SDT.ps1'


    After forcing the Dashboardid (52) & WidgetId (2227) another error appears... should these two parameters to be added to the properties on the resource as well...

    In progress...




  • As I have several access account apparently the GET command is not launched with the correct username... working on this...

  • Going back to your original question. I believe you can see all the active and upcoming SDT in the system by clicking on the root group and looking at the SDT tab. But that doesn't help with dashboards or reports.

    As far as I know you can't share just one widget. What is your ultimate goal though? To provide an LM dashboard with listed SDT that can be shared with a customer or the like?

  • The first option is excellent thanks for this... 

    I will check if I need more...


  • Hello,

    Reviewing this script it is set for A Datasource or a Property Source?

    I have create the API & access.key

    looking for the & now... after creating a text widget




  • When testing in the Property Source I am getting an error:


  • and lmaccess.key correspond to API credentials.  Lmaccount is your portal’s subdomain (The XXX in  Widget_id can be found by managing a dashboard widget, generating a widget embedded URL, and navigating to the end of the URL... Checking how to add it to the Resource.

  • Hello,

    Reviewing the access to the Dashboard (Private) / Widget using ... View or manage permissions can only be given to public dashboards. Private dashboards are not available for access through role assignment, but the sharing of a private dashboard can be initiated from the dashboard itself, as discussed in Sharing and Exporting/Importing Dashboards.

    Is it possible to share only a widget?

    What is the best way to proceed?

