JSON Path capability in a Webpage DataSource
I think the answer to this is gonna be “You need to script it, dummy”, but figured I’d check anyway...
I'm working on a new DataSource that pulls/interprets JSON data from a peudo-custom system via HTTP.
The system has a status page that lists the status of various components using JSON elements that have this general format:
Initial idea was that I could use the Webpage collector since it supports JSON/BSON parsing.
Issue I’m running into is that the values on most of these JSON elements are string (i.e. “true”/”false”).
I set up a DataPoint that can extract that value by putting in the JSON Path like so:
...and I can see that I’m getting the “true”/”false” values back when I do a Poll Now. But - as we know - LM won’t deal with strings natively.
Workaround I came up with was to get length of the string since true/false are different lenghts.
According to sources online, JSON Path should support a calculation of string length.
I've also verified that I can do this by pasting my data and my JSON Path expression:
...into https://jsonpath.com/
In this parser, the .length function works as expected, and returns the length of the JSON value.
However, in LogicMonitor, I'm just getting this (example failure):
NAN after processing with json
(postProcessParam: $.[ComponentName].[ParameterName&ParameterType].length, reference=, useValue=body)
Anyone know if there is a way to make this JSON Path length function work?
There’s an easier way than this:
function parseBooleanValue(value) {
if (value === 'true') {
return 1;
} else if (value === 'false') {
return 0;
} else {
return null; // or throw an error, depending on how you want to handle invalid values
}It uses the ternary operator:
(value == "true") ? 1 : 0
This is exactly equivalent to:
if (value == "true") {
return 1
} else {
return 0
}No need for a function at all, it’s overkill.