Forum Discussion

CaseyW's avatar
2 years ago

How to create datasources from powershell script


I wrote a PS script that takes a look at all issued certs on my microsoft CA and outputs 4 columns, The name of the cert, the effective date, the expiration date and the days remaining until cert expiration.

Here is the script for reference:

$templates = @('x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x')
$certs = $null
ForEach($template in $templates){
$certs += certutil -view -restrict "certificate template=$template,Disposition=20" -out "CommonName,NotBefore,NotAfter,CertificateTemplate"
$i = 0
$output = @(
ForEach($line in $certs){
If($line -like "*Issued Common Name: *"){
$asdf = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$asdf | Add-Member -membertype noteproperty -name 'Common Name' -value (($certs[$i] -replace "Issued Common Name: ","") -replace '"','').trim()
$asdf | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -name 'Effective Date' -value (($certs[$i+1] -replace "Certificate Effective Date: ","") -replace '\d+\:\d+\s+\w+','').trim()
$asdf | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -name 'Expiration Date' -value (($certs[$i+2] -replace "Certificate Expiration Date: ","") -replace '\d+\:\d+\s+\w+','').trim()
$expirationDate = [datetime]::MinValue
[datetime]::TryParse($asdf.'Expiration Date', [ref]$expirationDate)
$daysRemaining = ($expirationDate - (Get-Date)).Days
$asdf | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Days Remaining' -Value $daysRemaining

How can I create a datasource within LM that will parse out each common name, tie it to its corresponding “days remaining” value and alert based on that? Is this possible?

  • Anonymous's avatar
    2 years ago

    Alright, assuming you’re not going to be running this code on your collector but on different systems, you’ll have to put your script into a scriptblock and run it as shown here.

    Assuming your common names in production will actually be unique, just use for loop to make your discovery scriptblock write-host output look like this:

    And use pretty much the same code (but different for loop) to make your collection scriptblock write-host this 112 121 305 310

    Then just setup a datapoint using ‘multiline key-value pairs’ and make the interpreter “##WILDVALUE##.daysRemaining”.

    Then just set whatever threshold you want on that datapoint.

    Have you checked that this has not already been built by someone else?

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Alright, assuming you’re not going to be running this code on your collector but on different systems, you’ll have to put your script into a scriptblock and run it as shown here.

    Assuming your common names in production will actually be unique, just use for loop to make your discovery scriptblock write-host output look like this:

    And use pretty much the same code (but different for loop) to make your collection scriptblock write-host this 112 121 305 310

    Then just setup a datapoint using ‘multiline key-value pairs’ and make the interpreter “##WILDVALUE##.daysRemaining”.

    Then just set whatever threshold you want on that datapoint.

    Have you checked that this has not already been built by someone else?

  • Amr's avatar
    Icon for LM Champion rankLM Champion

    Stuart’s comment seems to get you in the right track to use the script within a datasource at first glance.
    I just wanted to add that there’s a community PowerShell based datasource that has been published by a community member under name ‘Windows Certificates-’ and lmLocator code KPNWGW that I think would achieve what you’re looking for, or at least get you close.
    Note: this datasource applies to all Windows devices by default, I would recommend changing the AppliesTo so it gets applied on a single device for testing/confirming the functionality.

  • You can simplify this script if you use Get-ChildItem to grab the certs directly from the certificate store. Using the Powershell provider usually takes care of the variable typing and formatting which is very nice. Below, I pulled out EnhancedKeyUsageList, but the GetFormat() method might align to your preference for CertUtil template name schema. 


    $DesiredProperties = "CommonName,NotBefore,NotAfter,EnhancedKeyUsageList"

    $AllCerts = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "Cert:\" | Where-Object {$_.Thumbprint} | Select-Object -Property $DesiredProperties

    ## Other neat uses of Get-ChildItem for the Powershell Certificate provider
    # $CodeSigningCert = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "Cert:\CurrentUser\My" -CodeSigningCert
    # $RemoteAuthCert = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "Cert:\CurrentUser\My" -SSLServerAuthentication

    Also, if you’re looking for performance optimizations: 

    • Using “+=” copies everything from the initial memory space into a new memory space with the extra object appended to the end. This is fine for small datasets, but you will see large performance impacts (and memory requirements) with increasing size.
    • Select-String is extremely efficient for parsing through text, even more so than falling back to .NET in many cases. Looping through line by line with foreach, or Foreach-Object will be slower especially when used with unoptimized regex or match statements (which is another ~deep subject =).  
  • Anonymous's avatar

    Just to be sure, what does the output look like (redact any private information)

  • Here is an example of the output:

    Common Name                        Effective Date Expiration Date Days Remaining
    -----------                        -------------- --------------- --------------                9/20/2021      9/20/2023                  112
    True                9/29/2021      9/29/2023                  121
    True                 4/1/2022       3/31/2024                  305
    True                 4/6/2022       4/5/2024                   310

  • Thank you! Ill give this a shot! I looked around the exchange and couldn't find anything - Which is surprising, because I figured this would be a pretty common use case!