Forum Discussion

Michael_Dieter's avatar
5 months ago

Documentation page Disclaimer

I've noticed several of these recently while digging for information on multiple topics.

None of them offer any further context about why, when the info on this page stops being valid (calendar date, collector version?), or where to go for update/replacement info.

Anybody have any insight? 🤔

  • Honestly, I've started downloading/printing to PDF documentation from any vendor that I find useful because inevitably the vendor gets rid of it while it's still relevant. It's annoying extra work but it saves me trouble later when the information is taken off their site

  • I find it really confusing as well. I really wish they would include links to the new versions of the documentation. In a lot of cases, I can't find the new legacy versions even when I search for them. 

    Like this page that I refer to often:

  • I think it's in reference to this post: