Forum Discussion

asikarwar's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
8 months ago

Dashboard Audit


Has anyone been auditing on Dashboard usage.

We have a lot of dashboards and we want to know dashboard which weren't used for over 30 days.

I do not see an API for this, is there another to get this info.

Essentially we need find dashboard not being used for over 30 days then, we will mark them private for next 10 days and then remove them.



  • The counter thing is a good idea. If you don't care about tracking users, a widget that loads a webpage you control might work. It would need to allow CORS and need to be careful about browser caching, but might just be as simple as checking the webserver logs to see if the url was accessed at all in the past X days.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    LM has a way of tracking that internally, but i don't know if a way within the product to tell since it's not logged to the audit log. Your CSM might be able to pull a report telling you which dashboards are accessed by which users.

    You could use a third party counter (think 1992), but since most browsers block 3rd party cookies, it probably wouldn't be very accurate.

    • Mike_Moniz's avatar
      Icon for Professor rankProfessor

      The counter thing is a good idea. If you don't care about tracking users, a widget that loads a webpage you control might work. It would need to allow CORS and need to be careful about browser caching, but might just be as simple as checking the webserver logs to see if the url was accessed at all in the past X days.

      • Anonymous's avatar

        The webserver logs is the way to go. It's trivial for LMers to access that data (through Looker). Unfortunately it's not exposed to customers. It would be a good feature for LM to build in: tracking which are the most used features of LM by which users. Are users going to the alerts page? Which dashboards are they using/not using? Are they looking at maps? How many have UIv4 turned on? etc.

  • Thank you for your response!

    "Webserver Logs" where can I access that? Are you talking about our internal LM logs?

    • Mike_Moniz's avatar
      Icon for Professor rankProfessor

      The idea is that you add an HTML widget on all your dashboads that loads a webpage on a webserver to control/own. For example have the widget load (if you had a website at then you can look for hits to "LM-DashBoard-WindowsServersDashboard01" in your server's website logs.

      Basically this is a hacky workaround. There isn't anything built in you would have access to. You can submit feedback to LM as a feature improvement.

  • Are talking about scanning the logs for LM and look for specific dashboard URLs being used or not?