Forum Discussion

evecaviedes's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
10 months ago

Creating subgroup with a dynamic query

I am trying to create more than one subgroup at once. For example, I created a group to filter all devices by site. I tried to use just one query to create a subgroup for each site, but I couldnt. Is it possible? should I use the sdk? Thanks!

  • Anonymous's avatar
    10 months ago

    Whether doing it through the API or through the UI, you will have one transaction for each group you want to create, even if they're dynamic groups. So if you have 300 sites and you want a site group for each one containing the devices at that site, you'll have to create each one individually. This isn't too hard with the API/SDK though. Once you have your list of sites, just loop through that list creating each group with its name, appliesto, and parent. Let me know if you need help with this.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Whether doing it through the API or through the UI, you will have one transaction for each group you want to create, even if they're dynamic groups. So if you have 300 sites and you want a site group for each one containing the devices at that site, you'll have to create each one individually. This isn't too hard with the API/SDK though. Once you have your list of sites, just loop through that list creating each group with its name, appliesto, and parent. Let me know if you need help with this.

    • evecaviedes's avatar
      Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte

      The documentation is a bit confusing about this. Thank you for the clarification.