Forum Discussion

Ashiwad's avatar
5 years ago

CPU alert only if its high for a certain time

Hi All...... 


Was trying to figure out if theres any way where I can get the alert scheduled for high CPU usage but only if it is high for a said period of time.. 

Is that possible to set a different time for different servers, because we do not bother alerts from our servers unless it's burning for an hour or so. 


Thank you 

1 Reply

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Are you talking about a duration of time or a time of day?

    If you're talking about a duration, take a look at alert interval. It's a setting that's global for the entire datasource, not device specific. However, you can clone the DS and change the applies to so that you have multiple copies of the DS monitoring different sets of servers with different trigger intervals.

    If you're talking about time of day, you can add a threshold definition to any group that covers only a specific time of day. Click on the group, go to the alert tuning tab, find the DS and datapoint and click the edit button. Click the plus sign and change the "All Day" drop down to time specific time of day you're looking for.