9 months agoComplex Datapoints - Nested if / elseif possible w/o scripting?
Setting up some monitoring for an HVAC device and there is a request to track / alert on the current state/mode of HVAC zones (i.e. when they're not at the expected state). There is an HTTP interfac...
- Anonymous9 months ago
Groovy can't access the normal datapoints, but it has the output of the script. So you could use Groovy to loop through all the lines, splitting on the ":" and grabbing the datapoint name and value into a map.
Nested if statements are definitely possible. Most likely there's a problem with opening/closing parenthesis.
However, I wonder if you can do this with a script pretty easily.
statusMap = [ "Heat": 1, "Cool": 2, "Vent": 3, "On Fire": 4, "This is OK": 5, "Batman riding an elephant": 6, "Day after tomorrow": 7 ] data = new URL("https://myACunit/metrics").getText() value = data.tokenize(":")[1] println("mode: ${statusMap[value]")
Then you'd only have one datapoint and that one datapoint would have an integer value depending on the mode returned.