Forum Discussion

marting's avatar
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9 months ago

Complex Datapoints - Nested if / elseif possible w/o scripting?

Setting up some monitoring for an HVAC device and there is a request to track / alert on the current state/mode of HVAC zones (i.e. when they're not at the expected state). There is an HTTP interfac...
  • Anonymous's avatar
    9 months ago

    Groovy can't access the normal datapoints, but it has the output of the script. So you could use Groovy to loop through all the lines, splitting on the ":" and grabbing the datapoint name and value into a map. 

    Nested if statements are definitely possible. Most likely there's a problem with opening/closing parenthesis.

    However, I wonder if you can do this with a script pretty easily.

    statusMap = [
      "Heat": 1,
      "Cool": 2,
      "Vent": 3,
      "On Fire": 4,
      "This is OK": 5,
      "Batman riding an elephant": 6,
      "Day after tomorrow": 7
    data = new URL("https://myACunit/metrics").getText()
    value = data.tokenize(":")[1]
    println("mode: ${statusMap[value]")

    Then you'd only have one datapoint and that one datapoint would have an integer value depending on the mode returned.