Forum Discussion
2 hours ago, Mike Moniz said:Also note that Datapoints can only be numbers, so you will not be able to assign a string directly like "OU=blahblah" to a Datapoint. Instead you can put that kinda data to an auto property via DataSource Active Discovery or PropertySources.
Good point as I need to collect a text like "CN = xxxx aaaaaa AD Certificate Authority-CA1"...
So if I understand I need to declare it in the Script for Active Directory as it is already
Quote$store.Certificates `
| Select-Object { `
$_.Thumbprint + "##" `
+ $(If ($_.FriendlyName -eq "") {"Unknown friendly name (" + $_.Thumbprint + ")"} Else {$_.FriendlyName}) + "##" `
+ $_.Subject + $(If ($_.Subject -ne "") {"(..." + $_.Thumbprint.SubString($_.Thumbprint.length - 5, 5) + ")"} Else {"Unknown subject (" + $_.Thumbprint + ")"}) + "##" `
+ "##" `
+ "cert.issuer=" + $_.Issuer `
+ "&cert.friendlyname=" + $_.FriendlyName `
+ "&cert.serialnumber=" + $_.SerialNumber `
+ "&cert.thumbprint=" + $_.Thumbprint `
} `
| Format-Table -HideTableHeaders
"+ "cert.issuer=" + $_.Issuer `"? it should come up ...
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