Forum Discussion
6 months agoActive Discovery-Discovery Method Script
import groovy.sql.Sql
def hostname = hostProps.get("system.hostname")
def sqlInstances = hostProps.get("mssql.sql_server_instances") ?: hostProps.get("auto.sql_server_instances")
if (sqlInstances) {
def executor = java.util.concurrent.Executors.newFixedThreadPool(sqlInstances.size().toInteger())
sqlInstances.toString().tokenize(",").each { instanceName ->
instanceName = instanceName.replaceAll(/[:|\\|\s|=]+/, "_")
def jdbcConnectionString = hostProps.get("mssql.${instanceName.trim()}.mssql_url") ?: hostProps.get("auto.${instanceName.trim()}.mssql_url")
def user = hostProps.get("mssql.${instanceName.trim()}.user") ?: hostProps.get("jdbc.mssql.user") ?: ""
def pass = hostProps.get("mssql.${instanceName.trim()}.pass") ?: hostProps.get("jdbc.mssql.pass") ?: ""
if (jdbcConnectionString) {
def sql = Sql.newInstance(jdbcConnectionString, user, pass, "")
try {
def query1 = """
def resultSet = sql.rows(query1)
if (resultSet) {
resultSet.each { row ->
def x = row.get("database_name")
def y = row.get("BackupType")
def z = row.get("bkSize")
def c = row.get("TimeTaken")
def a = row.get("physical_device_name")
def b = row.get("recovery_model")
def p = row.get("server_name")
def m = row.get("Is_Native_Backup")
} else {
println("Result set is null or empty")
} catch (Exception e) {
println("Exception during sql.rows execution: ${e.message}")
} finally {
println("Finally block executed")
} as java.util.concurrent.Callable)
executor.awaitTermination(20, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS)
return 0
Collection script-Batch Method
import groovy.sql.Sql
def hostname = hostProps.get("system.hostname")
def sqlInstances = hostProps.get("mssql.sql_server_instances") ?: hostProps.get("auto.sql_server_instances")
if (sqlInstances) {
sqlInstances.toString().tokenize(",").each { currentInstance ->
currentInstance = currentInstance.replaceAll(/[:|\\|\s|=]+/, "_")
def jdbcConnectionString = hostProps.get("mssql.${currentInstance.trim()}.mssql_url") ?: hostProps.get("auto.${currentInstance.trim()}.mssql_url")
def user = hostProps.get("mssql.${currentInstance.trim()}.user") ?: hostProps.get("jdbc.mssql.user") ?: ""
def pass = hostProps.get("mssql.${currentInstance.trim()}.pass") ?: hostProps.get("jdbc.mssql.pass") ?: ""
if (jdbcConnectionString) {
def sql = Sql.newInstance(jdbcConnectionString, user, pass, "")
try {
def initialQuery = """
( same SQL used in Discovery)
def resultSet = sql.rows(initialQuery)
def deviceNamesList = resultSet.collect { it.get("physical_device_name") }
//.replaceAll("\\\\", "") }
if (deviceNamesList) {
deviceNamesList.each { deviceName ->
def secondaryQuery = """
( same SQL used in Discovery)
def secondaryResultSet = sql.rows(secondaryQuery)
if (secondaryResultSet) {
secondaryResultSet.each { row ->
def databaseName = row.get("database_name")
def backupType = row.get("BackupType")
def backupSize = row.get("bkSize").replaceAll(/\D/, '')
def timeTaken = row.get("TimeTaken").replaceAll(/\D/, '')
def recoveryModel = row.get("recovery_model")
def isNativeBackup = row.get("Is_Native_Backup")
def M = row.get("physical_device_name")
//.replaceAll("\\\\", "")
recoveryModel = (recoveryModel == 'simple') ? '1' : (recoveryModel == 'full') ? '2' : (recoveryModel == 'bulk_logged') ? '3' : recoveryModel
if (deviceName == M) {
def wildvalue = deviceName
//println("${wildvalue}.Device Name: ${deviceName}")
//println("${wildvalue}.Database Name: ${databaseName}")
println("${wildvalue}.BackupSize: ${backupSize}")
println("${wildvalue}.TimeTaken: ${timeTaken}")
println("${wildvalue}.RecoveryModel: ${recoveryModel}")
println("${wildvalue}.Native_Backup: ${isNativeBackup}")
} finally {
} else {
println("JDBC Connection String not found for $currentInstance")
} else {
println("No SQL instances found")
return 0
- Anonymous6 months ago
All that seems good. Could you post a screenshot of your poll now? Redact any private information. What I'm looking to see is the script output down below so try to get the whole dialog box if possible.
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