Any way to share a URL that goes to a specific device on a specific tab with a specific timeframe?
I"d like to be able to go to a specific device, then select a specific item (e.g. CPU), then go to the Graphs tab, then zoom in on specific area I want to show. I then want to be able to copy a URL that I can send to another user and have them end up seeing exactly what I'm seeing. Is there any way to do that?
The URL at the top of the browser doesn't seem to change if I go from tab to tab (graph to raw data to alerts) or if I them zoom in on an area in the graph or change the time-frame dropdown box.
I chatted with support and we sent some links back and forth. He would end up on the right item from the device (e.g. CPU) but he'd end up on whichever tab he had been on with whatever time-frame he had been using.
I just thought I'd see if anyone here knew a way to do this.