3 years ago
Add Device via API
Hi - I'm trying to add a device via API and Powershell.
I've prepared the following JSON which im passing as a BODY object via POST.
"description": "Test Server",
Hi - I'm hitting /device/devices with the above JSON body using a POST
Oddly enough I'm getting
Function statuscode is 1404
Function return data is
Function return items are
Function return body is @{data=; errmsg=Collector(id=0) does not exist; status=1404}
Body data is
"description": "Test Server",
"name": "bwu-qts-ojtst54",
"displayName": "bwu-qts-ojtst54",
"preferredCollectorID": 108
Almost like it expects a collectorID? Should i be posting with any other data?
The reference is only API 1.0 so i dont know if API 3.0 has any other mandatory fields either.