Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
3 years ago

New UI: alert tuning tab used to have link to global DS definition

In the alert tuning tab for a group, once you found the DS you wanted to tune, you could click on the name and it would take you to the DS in question. This was handy since you needed to be sure which DS you were editing, because the alert tuning tab shows the display name, not the actual name of the DS, and many DSs can have the same display name.

This linkage appears to be missing in uiv4.

  • Hi Stuart,

    There should be a pencil icon next to the datasource that should link you to the Datasource definition. 

    Datasource within the Alert Tuning tab
  • Anonymous's avatar

    Oh, that’s not obvious. I was expecting it to be in the datasource list to the left rather than having a 15 pencils go to the same DS that has 15 datapoints.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    You have to specifically click on DataSources on the left hand side. I acknowledge that it’s not the most intuitive but that’s where you would do the datasource management activities which is why you’ll need to be within the datasources area. 

    I was clicked on the datasource. That’s why I expected it to be there. I was on the datasource i wanted to disable. Do you mean the only way to do this is to navigate away from the datasource just so i can find the DS in the list so i can check a box and disable it? That’s not only unintuitive, it’s more difficult.

    I get that someone thinks there’s a use case out there for someone turning on and off a ton of datasources at once, but in reality that just doesn’t happen. It’s something that happens on one datasource at a time. It’s great that there’s a bulk option, but if I already have the datasource selected in the list, why would I think to go to another list to modify it?

  • Sarah_Luna's avatar
    Icon for Product Manager rankProduct Manager

    Hi Stuart,

    There should be a pencil icon next to the datasource that should link you to the Datasource definition. 

    Datasource within the Alert Tuning tab
  • Anonymous's avatar

    Do you know why a DS would be listed on the left, but not have any datapoints on the right?

    Also, where do i enable/disable the DS? In the old UI, there was a checkbox on the DS level of the alert tuning tab.

    Also (not unique to UIv4) do you know how we can tune alerts for a DS that doesn’t yet/anymore have any instances?

  • Sarah_Luna's avatar
    Icon for Product Manager rankProduct Manager
    1. For the no datapoints issue - sounds like a bug. Do you have a screenshot of the issue? 
    2. For disabling datasources - if you click on Datasource, you can either select the checkbox and then click on Actions > stop collecting OR hit the icon under the Collecting column. This enables you to now update them in bulk.

    3. Can you expand what you mean? Like applying a threshold at the DS level (not global) and then having the instances automatically inherit that threshold once they’re added? 

  • Anonymous's avatar
    1. I don’t have those options:
    2. I mean, in the old UI, a datasource would only show up on the alert tuning tab if the group had devices that had instances for that datasource. If you had tuned alerts at that group level (or disabled polling for the instance), then the only device that had instances was removed from the group, the DS would no longer show up as a DS that could be edited. I assume that’s the case in the new UI, but maybe I’m wrong. Does the DS show up even if there are no instances in that group for that DS? Maybe that’s the problem with #1. Either way, even if there are no instances, I need to be able to tune at the group level regardless of the current group membership. The troubleshooting datasources are a good example of this. I can’t tune the troubleshooters unless they are currently showing up under a device in the group.
  • Sarah_Luna's avatar
    Icon for Product Manager rankProduct Manager
    1. Definitely a bug - I’ll create a bug ticket to track the issue. 
    2. You have to specifically click on DataSources on the left hand side. I acknowledge that it’s not the most intuitive but that’s where you would do the datasource management activities which is why you’ll need to be within the datasources area. 
    3. I’m unsure if it’s tied to the first issue (I might be able to get more information once the issue is resolved). I did check with the team, however, and we didn’t make any intention changes around this functionality for alert tuning around datasources, but I will get a feedback ticket created for this functionality. 
  • Anonymous's avatar

    Plus, why would enable/disable the datasource be there when enable/disable alerting is here? They are both datasource level settings.

  • Sarah_Luna's avatar
    Icon for Product Manager rankProduct Manager

    Thanks for the additional insight Stuart - I’ll take that as feedback to have the start/stop collecting option available when a specific datasource is selected.