2 years ago
Print Spooler
Has anyone been able to get a non-cluster print spooler to work? I’m trying to list out the printers connected to the print spooler so I don’t have to manually maintain an individual printer list and...
Probably time to take the GPT training wheels off and learn some coding.
Or see if you can use the no-code WMI datasource type since you know the class. Unfortunately, LM has documented ESX, JDBC, JMX, NetApp, SNMP, HTTP/S, Batch, and Script methods, but i can’t find the WMI datasource collector documentation.
You could start by executing the !wmi command on the collector monitoring that resource using the collector debug console. Executing it without any arguments will give you the syntax. Then you can fill in the hostname and class you want to query. Knowing what the WMI query returns will be a big step towards getting your DS written.
Then you’ll need to think about active discovery and collection, finalizing what AD will mostly look like before you move onto collection.