4 years agoOracle DB names via SNMP
Given the existing modules use SSH/WMI to discover the DB names we required a way without the need to SSH into a server we have published a Property Source 4TK9LN that utilises SNMP to pull the DB names and then populate auto.oracle_dbs, you will either need to update / fork existing Oracle datasources or move this to a DS and set the oracle_dbnames there. Also attached inline. any improvements welcome!
{ "scheduleOption": 0, "dataType": 0, "description": "List all Oracle databases with SNMP", "appliesTo": "hasCategory(\"OracleDB\")", "technology": "", "type": "propertyrule", "params": [ { "name": "linuxcmdline", "comment": "", "value": "" }, { "name": "linuxscript", "comment": "", "value": "" }, { "name": "scriptgroovy", "comment": "", "value": "// Locate Oracle database names via SNMP, tested on Linux\nimport com.santaba.agent.groovyapi.snmp.Snmp\n\ndef snmp_timeout = 15000\n\ndef g_hostname = hostProps.get(\"system.hostname\")\ndef g_community = hostProps.get(\"snmp.community\")\ndef g_version = hostProps.get(\"snmp.version\")\ndef g_security_name = hostProps.get(\"snmp.security\")\ndef g_auth_proto = hostProps.get(\"snmp.auth\")\ndef g_auth_token = hostProps.get(\"snmp.authtoken\")\ndef g_priv_proto = hostProps.get(\"snmp.priv\")\ndef g_priv_token = hostProps.get(\"snmp.privtoken\")\n\ndef snmp = new lm_snmp( g_hostname, g_community, g_version, g_security_name, g_auth_proto, g_auth_token, g_priv_proto, g_priv_token, snmp_timeout)\n// List all running processes\noutput = snmp.snmpwalk(\"\")\ndef databases = [:]\ndef dblist = []\noutput.eachLine { entry ->\n process = entry.split(\"=\")\n // Find the Oracle process names\n def proc_name = process[1] =~ /oracle(?!PRD)(\\w+)/\n if(proc_name) {\n // Dump it in a Map to keep it unique\n databases[proc_name[0][1]] = 1\n }\n}\n// Loop the Map and pump them back into an array\ndatabases.each{entry -> dblist << entry.key}\ndb_names = dblist.join(\",\")\nprint \"auto.oracle_dbs=${db_names}\"\n\n// Core classes\nclass lm_snmp\n{\n\n String community\n String version // v1, v2c, v3\n String security_name\n String auth_proto // MD5\n String auth_token\n String priv_token\n String priv_proto // DES\n Integer timeout = 30000\n\n Map v3_map = [:]\n\n String hostname\n\n lm_snmp( String hostname, String community, String version = \"v3\", String security_name = null, String auth_proto = null, String auth_token=null, String priv_proto=null, String priv_token=null, Integer timeout = 30000 ) {\n\n this.hostname = hostname\n this.community = community\n this.version = version\n this.timeout = timeout\n\n if ( this.version == \"v3\" )\n {\n this.security_name = security_name\n if ( auth_proto == null ) { this.auth_proto = \"SHA\" } else { this.auth_proto = auth_proto }\n this.auth_token = auth_token\n\n if ( priv_proto == null ) { this.priv_proto = \"AES\" } else { this.priv_proto = priv_proto }\n this.priv_token = priv_token\n\n v3_map[\"snmp.version\"] = \"v3\"\n v3_map[\"snmp.security_name\"] = this.security_name\n v3_map[\"snmp.auth_proto\"] = this.auth_proto\n v3_map[\"snmp.auth_token\"] = this.auth_token\n v3_map[\"snmp.priv_proto\"] = this.priv_proto\n v3_map[\"snmp.priv_token\"] = this.priv_token\n }\n }\n\n def snmpget ( String oid )\n {\n\n println \"Trying: ${oid}\"\n\n if ( this.version == \"v3\" )\n {\n //return Snmp.getV3(this.hostname, this.security_name, this.auth_proto, this.auth_token, this.priv_proto, this.priv_token,oid, this.timeout)\n return Snmp.get(this.hostname, oid, v3_map )\n }\n else\n {\n return Snmp.get(this.hostname, this.community, this.version, oid, this.timeout)\n }\n\n }\n\n def snmpwalk ( String oid )\n {\n\n println \"debug: ${this.hostname}, ${this.security_name}, ${this.auth_proto}, ${this.auth_token}, ${this.priv_proto}, ${this.priv_token}, ${oid}, ${this.timeout.toString()}\"\n\n if ( this.version == \"v3\" )\n {\n //return Snmp.walkV3(this.hostname, this.security_name, this.auth_proto, this.auth_token, this.priv_proto, this.priv_token, oid, this.timeout)\n return Snmp.walk( this.hostname, oid, v3_map)\n }\n else\n {\n return Snmp.walk(this.hostname, this.community, this.version, oid, this.timeout)\n }\n }\n}" }, { "name": "scripttype", "comment": "embed", "value": "embed" }, { "name": "windowscmdline", "comment": "", "value": "" }, { "name": "windowsscript", "comment": "", "value": "" } ], "version": 1628127167, "tags": "", "auditVersion": 0, "name": "List_Oracle_Databases_SNMP", "id": 153, "group": "Oracle" }