8 years ago
LogicMonitor PowerShell module
I have published a PowerShell module, which refactors part of the REST API, to the PowerShell gallery. Please feel free to make requests (or send me cmdlets you want added).
I have published a PowerShell module, which refactors part of the REST API, to the PowerShell gallery. Please feel free to make requests (or send me cmdlets you want added).
As of April 19th, you'll want to add the following line at the top of the psm1 file OR any script that uses this module:
What did you have in mind?
On 9/9/2017 at 10:37 PM, mhashemi said:I have published a PowerShell module, which refactors part of the REST API, to the PowerShell gallery. Please feel free to make requests (or send me cmdlets you want added).
Mike - Any interest in collaborating to build this out further?
Minor update - we found it was better to only do this for EC2 since for other devices it made it a bit harder to find things. I've updated the script above with the following on the third line (right after the $aws= line):
$ec2=$aws | Select-Object | where {$_.systemProperties.value -eq "AWS/EC2"}
Then update the foreach loop to use $ec2 instead of $aws and you will only update EC2 devices.
I was able to get this figured out and used the following to update the LM display names with the AWS system tag and only when the AWS tag is present. I could use a way to better handle errors when LM finds a duplicate or when there are invalid characters in the tag, but it does the job:
#Get AWS devices with name tag set (not null)
$aws=Get-LogicMonitorDevices -AccessId $lmid -AccessKey $lmkey -AccountName $lmacct | select id,displayName,systemProperties | where {$_.systemProperties -like "*system.aws.tag.name*"}
#Build list of devices including ID, LM Display Name, and AWS Tag Name
$list = @()
foreach ($device in $aws) {
$item = New-Object psobject
$item | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'id' -Value $device.id
$item | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'displayName' -Value $device.displayName
$item | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'awsTag' -Value (Get-LogicMonitorDeviceProperties -AccessId $lmid -AccessKey $lmkey -AccountName $lmacct -DeviceId $device.id | select name,value | where {($_.name -eq "system.aws.tag.Name")} | select value)
$list += $item
#Create list of objects to update where the display name does not currently equal the AWS tag name.
$update=$list | where {$_.displayName -ne $_.awsTag.value}
#Process Update
foreach ($item in $update) {Update-LogicMonitorDeviceProperties -AccessId $lmid -AccessKey $lmkey -AccountName $lmacct -DeviceId $item.id -PropertyNames displayName -PropertyValues $item.awsTag.value}
BTW - as I continue to test it seems like the typical pipe approach is a bit different in that I need to continue to provide credentials (which is fine). What's a bit more interesting is to try and get a list of all device properties in one object/array). It seems like first I can get all devices (using Get-LogicMonitorDevices), but the device properties are an array... so I then use Get-LogicMonitorDeviceProperties against the previous list to expand those properties). However, as you can guess since it runs line by line there is no longer a single array to act against. Perhaps there is a better approach with your module commands?
Just FYI - my goal is to update AWS device names with the tag value... so my plan was to export a list of all devices, identify those where the AWS tag name is not null and also where LM display name does not match the AWS tag name and then update the LM display name with the AWS tag name data.
Thank you very much for the response. You are right, it does work if I change the case. Interestingly if I don't have the proper case, the command still says successful but I guess in the backend it's really not. I will go ahead and make sure to use that case for the display name and will need to see how I can verify the case for other properties if/when the issue comes up. Any way to catch that in error handling? Thanks again for creating this though - it's something the product badly needed.
Oh, you don't need the hash table. When I run with the property capitalization, the cmdlet works fine. For "display name", you need to use "displayName".
Update-LogicMonitorDeviceProperties -AccessId $lmAccessId -AccessKey $lmAccessKey -AccountName <account name> -DeviceId <id> -PropertyNames displayName -PropertyValues <new name>
Your experience is interesting, because I update the displayName property of our new collectors several times a week. In the script we use to deploy collectors, I use the following code:
$BlockLogging = $true # Just used for this example, to prevent the steps from being written to the event log. $collectorProperties = @{"displayName" = "testdevice"; "hostGroupIds" = "<a valid group ID>"} Foreach ($keyValuePair in $collectorProperties.GetEnumerator()) { Try { $lmResponse = Update-LogicMonitorDeviceProperties -AccessId $lmAccessId -AccessKey $lmAccessKey -AccountName <account> -DeviceId <device ID> -PropertyNames $keyValuePair.Key -PropertyValues $keyValuePair.Value } Catch { $message = ("{0}: Unexpected error updating the property: {1} on {2}. The value should be: {3}. The specific error is: {4}." -f (Get-Date -Format s), $keyValuePair.Key, $hubLongName, $keyValuePair.Value, $lmResponse) If ($BlockLogging) {Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Red} Else {Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Red; Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $EventLogSource -EntryType Error -Message $message -EventId 5417} } }
If you put the displayName property into a hash table like I did, do you have the same problem?
I'll try to find some time to create the other cmdlet you suggested.
@mhashemi I looked at the verbose output of your command and it actually it looks like the issue is that you are using the PATCH method which only allows updating of custom properties. If you were to change this to a PUT and instead use the path for properties, it would allow any property to be updated.