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Barb's avatar
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6 months ago

Azure Backup Job DS Discovery

We have a problem with the Azure Backup Job DS only doing discovery once every 7 days. Im interested to know if anyone else has seen this ? 

So looks like discovery ran on the 02/09 today is the 05/09 so we are missing the past couple days of jobs :(


  • Barb's avatar
    6 months ago

    I have found the issue. I had changed the AD instance level property to

    Which makes more sense. I changed it at least a year ago and it was working but recently it has obviously stopped working, which is a shame. When you told me you weren't seeing any issues i knew it must have been this customization, set it back to and all working. Thank you for your help guys :)




  • It looks ok here as I got data from today. The DataSource should be checking for instances every hour by default. If you pick any of those entries and use Poll Now does it report data without failures? It kinda looks like perhaps something is preventing the API calls from working so it fails to update your instances list. Might want to also make sure the LogicMonitor Azure app registration secret didn't expire.

    The DataSource seems to use the job-details API so you can try run it directly (or the powershell equiv) to see if Azure is returning old data for some reason if your familiar with Azure APIs.

    • Barb's avatar
      Icon for Advisor rankAdvisor

      I can get data no problem. The issue is in the discovery, its only running once a week. I've tried setting it to once a day but still nothing.

  • Anonymous's avatar

    Have you modified your active discovery interval to daily? Are you sure you have more than one job daily?

  • I would reach out to LM support. Especially since this would run on their cloud collectors.

    • Barb's avatar
      Icon for Advisor rankAdvisor

      I have found the issue. I had changed the AD instance level property to

      Which makes more sense. I changed it at least a year ago and it was working but recently it has obviously stopped working, which is a shame. When you told me you weren't seeing any issues i knew it must have been this customization, set it back to and all working. Thank you for your help guys :)


