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DanB's avatar
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4 years ago

Way to search for specific DataPoints w/in DataSource(s)

Hello, is there a way to search for a specific datasource metric from w/in the Datasources page(s)? For instances in our previous tool they have online help and every probe listed every single metric that the probe could poll and description of that metric from the specific technology it was probing. I don't see a way to do that in LogicMonitor. 

Example I am looking for Exchange DAG copy queue length metric but searching for that metric "queue" "DAG" "copy" no results show up. The DataSource page search just seems to look at the DS names. It doesn't look at the defined datapoints defined w/in the DS. 


2 Replies

  • 22 hours ago, DanB said:

    Hello, is there a way to search for a specific datasource metric from w/in the Datasources page(s)? For instances in our previous tool they have online help and every probe listed every single metric that the probe could poll and description of that metric from the specific technology it was probing. I don't see a way to do that in LogicMonitor. 

    Example I am looking for Exchange DAG copy queue length metric but searching for that metric "queue" "DAG" "copy" no results show up. The DataSource page search just seems to look at the DS names. It doesn't look at the defined datapoints defined w/in the DS. 


    There are many gaps like that -- you also cannot search by properties in the resource pane.  My workaround is to leverage our API-based endpoint backup script to find things with grep. Clunky, but helps.  Most often I am looking for code examples.

  • Yeah that's a work around but I don't want to be wasting extra time looking thru a script export when this functionality should be present in the tool.
    Example here a page form the former tool where it lists all the metrics a specific probe( aka datasource) monitors: