Forum Discussion

David_Bond's avatar
Icon for Professor rankProfessor
11 months ago

AutoProperties for Cloud resources

I need to be able to create AutoProperties on Cloud Resources, which don’t require interacting with the Cloud Resource itself.

This page indicates that you cannot apply AutoProperties to cloud devices unless monitoring is enabled via a local Collector.

Could this requirement be relaxed?

  • The use case is that we need to create autoproperties based on combinations / classifications of existing properties.

    A simple example would be “auto.cmdb.is_active” based on a number of other properties.

    This does not need a collector to be deployed.

    The workaround is to create a second system to do the job that PropertySources can’t do and this is what we have done.

    But it would be nice to retire that system and use PropertySources instead.  Hence the Feature Request.

  • Amr's avatar
    Icon for LM Champion rankLM Champion

    I’m not sure if I fully get the use case, but for any cloud resource other than VMs/EC2s/Compute Servers, you should be able to assign a local collector from the resources page, which would allow you to create a PropertySource that runs on the local collector to add any properties that you’d like, which doesn’t necessarily require calling the cloud resource. 

    The difference with VMs/EC2s/Compute Servers is that you’ll need to assign a local collector from the cloud integrations page, which uses the defined Public/Private IP address for built-in collection methods such as WMI/SNMP/Ping etc. 

    If you want to run the script somewhere else other than a local collector, you can use the API to set/edit custom properties as needed within the script.

  • That’s likely the easy reason for LM to not do it.

    But a PS like this could have a formulaic/expression based way of deciding what other collector to run it on. Or it could be statically defined. It would just be another collection attribute.

  • I assume the issue is that PropertySources are written in code, and it would be a security concern if unsecure (aka users) code is running on LM’s own servers?

  • Not necessarily. He’s talking about properties that can be extracted from a 3rd party system about the device, without communicating with the device.

    Currently, he’d have to write a DS to go extract the data, push it via the api, and report on the success or failure through the DS datapoint. That’s a lot of work when a propertysource would take care of all of that.

  • @David Bond 

    Would custom properties not suffice? Do they have to be automatically assigned properties?

    Automatically assigned properties NEED a Collector to extract the data from a monitored device.