Forum Discussion

thanh_rodke's avatar
11 years ago

Voice alert timing control/cadence

We love the voice alerts, since we use it as an escalation method if one of our techs does not hear the email or text alert. However, the timing of the voice alerts is pretty fast, especially the start of the message.

Being able to control either the timing or the cadence of the voice alert would be great. Our biggest issue currently is that the voice alert is pretty much one gigantic string of details. Allowing the voice alert timing to be controlled with periods (full stops) would make the message much more consumable, especially for a groggy tech!

Currently, I have added fluff to the message, such as adding descriptors to the messages. My changes are shown below to \'\'slow down\'\' the voice alert.

The alert message was this: Alert from LogicMonitor. ##HOST## is in ##LEVEL## as ##DATASOURCE## ##DATAPOINT## is ##VALUE##. Contact: ##CUSTCONTACT##

I changed it to say this: This is an alert from LogicMonitor. The host ##HOST## is in status ##LEVEL## as the datasource ##DATASOURCE## ##DATAPOINT## has a value of ##VALUE##. Please contact: ##CUSTCONTACT##

  • In addition to controlling the speed of text-to-speech playback, we would need to ability to flag certain words such as hostname to be spoken one character at a time. Our hostnames are a series of alpha and numeric characters that do not make any sense if spoken like a word.

  • Also, if the voice alert goes to voice mail, the first portions of the voice alert is chopped, likely because it begins to play before the voice mail begins to record it. I tried adding buffer words at the beginning of the voice template, but it is annoying to our voice alert recipients to have to hear this fluff. We wish to use different custom voice templates for different alerting situations- how do we do that? Is the custom alert template configured in a Datapoint only used for email?

  • It looks like LogicMonitor has changed the timing of the voice call playback in v.57, which means that the entire message is recorded. I have also noticed that this timing change also means that the voice message starts a short bit after you answer the call, which is quite nice. It could totally be in my head as well, but it seems that the speed that the message plays back is a hair slower, but I usually receive those calls in the middle of the night, so who knows. :)rnThanks LogicMonitorrnI do like the additional ideas posted by jdear!