Forum Discussion

Andy_Domeier's avatar
10 years ago

Timezone per user account

We are a global company with resources in Minnesota, New Jersey, Australia, Ukraine, and India all using the Logic Monitor tool set. It would be incredibly useful to be able to set the timezone at a user level instead of only at the company level.

  • @Eric FeldhusenWe have similar issues and even then, many of our clients have a national or international footprint.  Per-user timezone is the most basic change that could be made to be useful (and should be trivial IMO), but the longer-term solution still should allow for per-device timezones.  The latter is more tricky to get right in terms of SDT, graphs, etc., but still should be done.  As far as I have seen in all the threads related to this, even the easy fix is not ever going to happen.  As others have stated, it is pretty embarrassing to have to explain this to clients paying a lot of money for this solution.



  • Hello, has this item been scheduled for implementation yet? Thanks

  • I believe LM replied in some other thread that because GMT is built into the database and all the views, that it would be a major undertaking to change it. Though, I don't want to change the DB, just a few views we use, so I'd expect there shouldn't be that much issue. But, as you've said, there's no LM feedback to this thread.


  • Hi all,

    This has been prioritized again for 2018. To provide a little background:

    Changing the way data is displayed in the UI is relatively easy, but once data is outside of LogicMonitor (i.e. alert messages, report content) it is no longer dynamic. To change content based on recipient is much more complex, and we don't have a good solution for this (yet). The last thing we want to do is create inconsistencies that further complicate the issue we're trying to solve, which is why this project was put on hold in the past. We know how important it is to support our customers with global resources, we just want to make sure we do it right.

    With that in mind, and to ensure things go smoothly this time around, we are considering approaching this in phases: 

    1. Ability to view data in the UI (dashboards, devices, alerts) in user-specific time zone. All configuration operations (scheduling SDT, escalation chains, report delivery, report content, etc) are still done in the account/global time zone (this would be explicitly indicated in the configuration window). Alert messages (i.e. ##START## token) also remain in the account/global time zone.

    2a. Ability to configure events (SDT, escalation chains, collector upgrade, report delivery, etc) in user-specific time zone (or possibly user-specified time zone via time zone picker). Each configuration will record and display in the time zone it was set in.  

    2b. Ability to configure report content (SLA period, time range, etc) in user-specific time zone (or user-specified). Resulting report will be the same regardless of recipient.

    3. Ability to receive alert messages and reports in recipient's time zone. 

    We're interested to hear your feedback in terms of these phases as we work through the requirements. What is your highest priority? What percentage of your problems are solved by phase 1 alone? What are your biggest concerns? If alert messages are in a different time zone than your portal data, how does this affect your workflow?

    If you prefer, you can shoot me an email at


  • Ali, 

    Thank you for your post and I will follow up with a direct email to you.

    Eric Feldhusen

  • @Ali HolmesI saw a timezone field added to the user object in the v104 update, but nothing in the profile editor.  Is that just preparation for this change, or can this be managed via the API and work now?

  • @mnagel this is in preparation for the change. Full functionality will be available in the next few releases - keep an eye on release notes for that announcement :)/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">

  • Great news! @Mosh is exactly right, we really just need the presentation layer (in the graphs etc) to have the times converted to a Time Zone set in the user profile. This would be a huge help! Looking forward to having this in the next release!