Forum Discussion

Jessie_Bryan's avatar
9 years ago

Dashboard Widget for Reports

File this in the "nice to have" bucket.

I would like to keep my dashboard-only customers in front of LM as much as possible.  Today, Reports can be viewed from running the report inside the Reports tab, or scheduled/emailed out.

How about adding a widget that could access a selected report, formatted for HTML.  This provides a single place to review most recent, and past report-runs without leaving the dashboard, and allows users to correlate Report output with other information shown on the dashboard. Today we can use the URL from an HTML Report, and stuff it into the HTML Widget.  Managing this manually is difficult since new runs of the report will have a unique URL, so the HTML widget would then need to be updated with the current HTML Report URL.  

I tried to do this myself using LM RPC/REST but cannot find any API calls to access the Reports.  





  • We like your thinking.  We'll add this to the queue - and will reach out with some possible workarounds in the meantime.

  • 1 minute ago, Annie Dunham said:

    We like your thinking.  We'll add this to the queue - and will reach out with some possible workarounds in the meantime.

    Sounds good!