Forum Discussion

Kris_Wolton's avatar
11 years ago

Alerts emails


We have a helpdesk system that will open a call when you send it an email. We already have critical LM alerts being sent to it so that calls are generated, however it would be really handy to email selected alerts to it. Would it be possible to put a button on the alerts tab that would email selected alerts? That way our helpdesk wouldn\'t be bombarded with loads of calls we don\'t need but we could selectively generate calls.

  • Hi Kris,rnWould these be for arbitrary alerts, or a specific subset of alerts that could be matched by a (new) specific rule?rnFor example, Error level alerts generated from datasources X, Y and Z, originating from hosts in groups A, B and C?rnIf the latter it should be possible to configure your alert rules to match these and route them to an escalation chain to accomplish this.rnIt is also possible to configure a chain to generate a ticket only once on a given alert, but keep resending the alert to human recipients until ACKed/resolved. To do this latter step you could use an escalation chain with 2 stages:rn

    • rn
    • Stage 1: Recipients would be your helpdesk system email plus the human recipients (or recipient group)rn
    • Stage 2: Only the human recipients (or recipient group)rn
    rnThe ticket is thus created immediately, but if the issue remains outstanding beyond the escalation period, the alert escalates to stage 2 and additional duplicate tickets are not created.rnIf this sounds like a potential solution, please feel free to jump on chat with an engineer if you want any assistance with configuring this.rnCheersrnAntony Hawkins
  • Hi Anothony,rnNo, its not really an alert that needs to be triggered by an event, just would be useful to manually trigger an email containing an alert. For example most warning alerts can be ignored and we do not have an email alert setup for them as we would get too many, but i do go through them on the dashboard and some of them require attention, so it would be great just to be able to send selected alerts to an email address so an engineer can look at them.rnDoes that make sense?rn rnKris

  • Hi Kris,rnYes, that makes sense - just wanted to check whether we could already provide a solution.rnAs another (interim) thought, you could:rn

    1. rn
    2. Set a rule to catch all alerts that are not already specifically routed, and route these to a bin email address (e.g. unhandled.lm.alerts@) that would not routinely be checked or interrupt anyones working day;rn
    3. Identify alerts in your LogicMonitor alerts tab or dashboard that youd like to create a ticket from, by their LMD/LMA/LMS/LMT ID;rn
    4. Search the bin email inbox for most recent occurrence of that alert ID;rn
    5. Forward that mail to your ticketing system address.rn
    rnThis would of course involve more manual work than a solution to your feature request would demand, however while ever your request is outstanding the above might be quicker / simpler than manually creating a ticket.rnCheersrnAntony