Hi Kris,rnWould these be for arbitrary alerts, or a specific subset of alerts that could be matched by a (new) specific rule?rnFor example, Error level alerts generated from datasources X, Y and Z, originating from hosts in groups A, B and C?rnIf the latter it should be possible to configure your alert rules to match these and route them to an escalation chain to accomplish this.rnIt is also possible to configure a chain to generate a ticket only once on a given alert, but keep resending the alert to human recipients until ACKed/resolved. To do this latter step you could use an escalation chain with 2 stages:rn
- rn
- Stage 1: Recipients would be your helpdesk system email plus the human recipients (or recipient group)rn
- Stage 2: Only the human recipients (or recipient group)rn
rnThe ticket is thus created immediately, but if the issue remains outstanding beyond the escalation period, the alert escalates to stage 2 and additional duplicate tickets are not created.rnIf this sounds like a potential solution, please feel free to jump on chat with an engineer if you want any assistance with configuring this.rnCheersrnAntony Hawkins