Issues automating Least Privelege at scale
I'm working through how to implement the least privelege "Windows_NonAdmin_Config" script in 100+ environments. In at least two, the LM service account we have is the only one with enough admin credentials to change the account to non-admin. I'm testing in our own internal systems to make sure I can get it to work. In my first go of it as both the LM Service account and using my own Admin creds in our environment, I'm getting errors: Has anyone else seen this? I'm going to keep chipping away at it as I'd like to come up with a purely LM solution to the shift due to the scale of the effort in our MSP environment. We do have ConnectWise Automate to utilize if I can't get this working, but right now, I can't even get it going using the instructions provided directly on the VM (in a console window using 'enter-pssession -credential (get-credential)' to get a session with admin priveleges.169Views0likes7Comments