Gather and store more relevant WMI data for auto-grouping and category population
During the initial and periodic device auto-discovery tasks, there should be far more information stored about each device. This information should be easily accessible from the device information page and populated with data such as "Installed Programs", "Installed Features", "Running Services", "Domain Role", etc. This information could then be used to auto-group devices. For example, I should be able to create an auto-discover rule that automatically grabs all Domain Controllers based on the system.installedservices and system.installedfeatures categories. There is no reason I should have to manually move this server that is clearly a Domain Controller into my group labeled "Domain Controllers". This approach would allow administrators to "set it and forget it" instead of having to be hands-on every time a new device is added or discovered. This data can be easily populated from standard WMI classes: system.installedservices = win32_services.displayname system.serverfeatures = win32_serverfeature.Name Please help me organize my devices automatically. We have too many machines in too many environments to manually sort them all into groups.4Views0likes3Comments