Variable json content in http integration
Hi all, we implemented custom http integration to create tickets in Jira Servicedesk. This works fine. However, new requirement is to put avariable (##jira.assetid##) inthe content to link the ticket to the correct asset. This works fine when the assetid is set. But when there is no asset id available the integration fails. Is there a way to make this output more dynami? I mean, if the value is set, write the value. If not, just write a default. Our json message (bit redacted): { "fields": { "summary": "##ALERTID## ##LEVEL## - ##HOST## ##DATASOURCE## ##DATAPOINT## ", "issuetype": { "id": "xxxxx" }, "project": { "key": "xxx" }, "description": { "type": "doc", "version": 1, "content": [ { "type": "paragraph", "content": [ { "text": "##MESSAGE## ##ALERTDETAILURL##", "type": "text" } ] } ] }, "customfield_10500": [##jira.organizationid##], "customfield_10681": [ { "workspaceId": "230f10d2-b759-405f-8d38-157edbe9e818", "id": "230f10d2-b759-405f-8d38-157edbe9e818:##jira.assetid##" } ] } }Solved101Views1like3Comments