Bulk rename/append name of devices
I have opened a support ticket - #94980. I would like to request the ability to group rename or modify the naming of devices. Specifically, I want to add all devices under 'Client A' and append the DNS suffix clientdomain.com to the name of all devices. I would like to do this so that when an engineer is working on Server X, they can see it clearly as ServerX.clientdomain.com. Ticket is to programatically do this vs. manually renaming each device. Support ticket and engineer attempted this using Rest APIs with no luck "As same as at property source, system.displayname is special and cannot be changed through RestAPI as well." Rest of thing we can do now is to submit a feature request to change the current design "propertysource can change auto property only" Thanks WIll71Views2likes9Commentsoption to require FQDN
As we have run into numerous cases now where the device name uniqueness requirement has bitten us, my recommendation to LM is now this: * add a portal option to require a FQDN for all devices -- failure to include would cause rejection * add an option to have a default FQDN suffix defined as a group property which would be used when adding a new device within that group I am not sure what to suggest for Websites and the new Services naming, but similar issues apply, especially for the current RBAC-based MSP model.0Views0likes0Comments