What not to do when developing code
FYI, this shows a level of ignorance when it comes to troubleshooting and usability of return codes. if (!organization) { println "Organization ID missing; device property meraki.api.org must be set." return 1 } if (!network) { println "Network ID missing; device property meraki.api.network must be set." return 1 } if (!serial) { println "Serial missing; device property auto.endpoint.serial_number or meraki.serial must be set." return 1 } if (!productType) { println "Serial missing; device property auto.meraki.productype or meraki.productType must be set." return 1 } Each different return statement could have a different non-zero return code (yes, it's an integer!). By returning a different value for each problem, the troubleshooter can identify exactly what the issue is just by looking at the return code. This shows that the developer possibly is laboring under the delusion that a return code can only be 0 or 1. While we're at it, this also evidences a lack of coding performance knowledge: def category = it.category def clientDescription = it.clientDescription def clientId = it.clientId def clientMac = it.clientMac def description = it.description def deviceName = it.deviceName def deviceSerial = it.deviceSerial def eventData = it.eventData.toString() def networkId = it.networkId def occurredAt = it.occurredAt def type = it.type def events = [:] events.put("message", description) events.put("category", category) events.put("clientDescription", clientDescription) events.put("clientId", clientId) events.put("clientMac", clientMac) events.put("description", description) events.put("deviceName", deviceName) events.put("deviceSerial", deviceSerial) events.put("eventData", eventData) events.put("networkId", networkId) events.put("occurredAt", occurredAt) events.put("type", type) There's no point in defining a variable and storing it in memory to only use it once. If you're going to use it twice, it makes sense, but only barely. You're just wasting memory. Instead, do this: def events = [ "message": it.description, "category": it.category, "clientDescription": it.clientDescription, "clientId": it.clientId, "clientMac": it.clientMac, "description": it.description, "deviceName": it.deviceName, "deviceSerial": it.deviceSerial, "eventData": it.eventData.toString(,) "networkId": it.networkId, "occurredAt": it.occurredAt, "type": it.type ]69Views9likes2Comments