Remove Column Sort in Alert Widget
Some columns in the Alert widget are sortable, by clicking the column heading. But, once you click the column heading, the column becomes sorted, toggling between ascending and descending with each click. There is no way to go back to the original unsorted state. Please add a third state, which is the unsorted order of the alert widget (which by default if I'm not mistaken is by alert timestamp).6Views1like0CommentsMake Value Column Sortable in Alert Widget
Please ad an option in Alert widget config to make the Value column sortable. I realise that the value column can be a mix of numbers and text when the alerts could come from DataSources and EventSources, however, we have cases where we know the values will always be numbers and would like to sort them, and toggle sorting between ascending and descending. Use case, alerts for days since last patched, where our users would like to sort the value from high to low.2Views0likes0CommentsPrevent Alert Widget Data Refresh During Column Resize
This has occurred several times for us, though it's hard to reproduce on demand. If the user is in the process of resizing a column in the alert widget and the widget updates, then all column settings are lost. We have to go into the widget configuration, then column settings to re-check the columns to display. Please prevent the alert widget (or any widget with columns that can be resized) from updating if the widget is in column resize mode.4Views0likes4CommentsMake the Alert Rule column a hyperlink to the rule for admins
This is minor but would make us more productive. Please make the Alert Rule name in the Alert Rule column of the Alert widget into a hyperlink to the actual alert rule definition. When we have lots of alert rules (unavoidable because of the way alert rules work), then this would make going from alert to the alert rule simpler and quicker than navigating to Settings, then searching for the rule. It would be one click instead of several clicks and keystrokes.2Views0likes0CommentsEnhanced Alert Filtering Options for Alert Widget
Currently the filter setup in the Alert Widget allows us to select which groups, devices/services, data sources, instances and datapoints, etc. The datasource, instance, datapoints are applied to all of the groups and devices. What we need is the ability to specify the datasource, instance and datapoints per group, for example, we need to be able to do the following in one Alert Widget: Groups Devices/Services DataSource Instances DataPoints Networks UK * * * * Networks DE * Ping * * Networks ZA * Ping * PingLoss|Ping RTT6Views0likes0CommentsCustom properties as Alert Widget filters
Please add the ability to use group custom properties to the Alert widget filter. At the moment we have to break our device group taxonomy if we want to exclude one particular group that is several levels down in the hierarchy. If we had the ability to include/exclude device groups by custom property value then we could retain our device group taxonomy and include or exclude groups from the Alert widget based on a device group's custom property value. You could take this a step further by allowing Applies To functions to be used with the Alert widget filter. This could provide for very complex alert widget filters.6Views1like0Comments