RabbitMQ Queue Stats
96D2GG A revamped version of the existing RabbitMQ Queue datasource with the following improvements: 1. Performance (the biggest difference) - instead of the collector gathering all stats for all queues for each polling period, and then parsing the data looking for only the queue it is looking to monitor, it makes a specific API call for the queue attached to the instance. This drastically reduces the collection time as well as the amount of strain on the collector itself. 2. Fixed datapoint "avgAckEgressRate" as it incorrectly pointed to the Ingress rate, which means the ingress and egress would always show as the exact same value. 3. A number of overview graphs added. 4. Dynamic grouping of instances 5. Queues with ":" in their name can now be discovered and monitored properly. 6. Nine additional datapoints added. This datasource was renamed to prevent it from overwriting any existing data you may have already collected with the default datasource. After enabling and testing this datasource, I would recommend disabling the original.6Views2likes3CommentsRabbitMQ Healthcheck
PAGA9W This is a standard healthcheck as outlined in the RabbitMQ API documentation. Returns a value of 1 if the healthcheck is passed and 0 if there is a failure. Runs basic healthchecks in the current node. Checks that the rabbit application is running, channels and queues can be listed successfully, and that no alarms are in effect. If everything is working correctly, will return HTTP status 200 with body: {"status":"ok"} If something fails, will return HTTP status 200 with the body of {"status":"failed","reason":"string"}2Views2likes4Comments