Can custom properties be used as widget filters or labels?
We have some network interfaces we want to put on widgets, and we have a property set on a widget that has some custom info on it (a Circuit ID). Is it possible to filter out interfaces based on whether or not this property has a value? And can graph widgets use a custom property as a label or anything else? I didnt see any reference to this when I looked at the widgets pages but I may have missed it. Thanks!Solved159Views11likes6CommentsFinding VMware's most recent vulnerability
I woke up this morning to an email pointing me to this: My boss - Can LM tell us which ones need attention? We’d like to notify our customers proactively. Me - Sure! Oh wait, I only have version info for the ESX servers. I’ll have to build out something to grab the vCenter versions. So, I built a custom property source. AppliesTo: system.virtualization =~ "VMware ESX vcenter" && (vcsa.user || esx.user) && (vcsa.pass || esx.pass) Then the script looks like this: /******************************************************************************* * © 2023 Aqueduct Technologies Inc. * * External Resources: * - * ******************************************************************************/ import groovy.json.JsonSlurper user = hostProps.get("vcsa.user")?: hostProps.get("esx.user") pass = hostProps.get("vcsa.pass")?: hostProps.get("esx.pass") host = hostProps.get("system.hostname") session_endpoint = "/rest/com/vmware/cis/session" //endpoint for establishing an ssl session vsphere_version_endpoint = "/rest/appliance/system/version" //endpoint for determining vsphere version jSlurp = new JsonSlurper() globalHeaders = [:] genSessionId()//get session ID for future API requests try{ def resp = httpRequest(vsphere_version_endpoint) if (!resp) {return 1} println("auto.vcenter.version=${resp.version}") } finally{deleteSessionId()} return 0 def genSessionId(){ String auth = "Basic " + "$user:$pass".getBytes().encodeBase64().toString() def headers = ["Authorization": (auth)] def resp = httpRequest(session_endpoint, headers, 'POST') globalHeaders.put('Cookie', "vmware-api-session-id=${resp as String}") } def deleteSessionId(){ httpRequest(session_endpoint, [:], 'DELETE') } def httpRequest(def endpoint, Map<String, String> headers = [:], def method = 'GET', String query = null){ URI _uri = new URI('https', null, host, 443, endpoint, query, null) def _session = _uri.toURL().openConnection() _session.setRequestMethod(method) (headers + globalHeaders).each { k, v -> _session.setRequestProperty(k, v) } def response = _session.getInputStream().getText() _session.disconnect() return (response) ? jSlurp.parseText(response).value : null } If you don’t have one under /Devices by Type, create a dynamic group for ESX hosts and another dynamic group for vCenter. We called ours “VMware Hosts” (AppliesTo system.virtualization =~ "VMware ESX host") and “VMware vCenters” (AppliesTo system.virtualization =~ "VMware ESX vcenter") respectively. Then create a Resource Inventory report where the Resource Group is “Devices by Type/VMware*”. Add the system.virtualization, auto.vcenter.version, and system.version properties and run it. Voila, you now know the version numbers of your ESX and vCenter resources and you can compare that to the versions in the VMware Advisory.125Views9likes3CommentsRandom custom properties appearing within our 'root' folder
Hello to everyone, For the past couple of weeks we've been noticing that from time to time 'customProperties' get created within our 'root' group at LM. We've asked our team if anyone created those, everyone stated that they weren't manually created. Tried to check it within Audit logs, but I can't find any event that relates to that action. I'm not sure what is causing this (couldn't be LM fault)... Examples of properties that get created: - - esx.user/pass We've a bunch of folks working on this at the same time & we're not discarding the possibility of this being done by mistake (however, the weird thing is we can't see this in the Audit logs). Anyone faced this sort of scenario in the past? Thank you!Solved25Views1like4Comments