ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsNVidia GPU Temps A pair of modules that will perform the following: NVidia GPU Core Temperatures NVidia GPU Fan Speed LM Locator: 2J3MEX Requirements Linux NVidia's set of proprietary video drivers and tools. Specifically the nvidia-smi binary. ssh.user && ssh.user Re: Apache Solr datasources need scrubbing Brandon, thanks for pointing this out. The AppliesTo field should have been set to look for the existence of the jmx.port property. It has been fixed. Linux CPU Temps A very basic DataSource that leverages lm_sensors to pull CPU temps. It does this over ssh via the cli. LM Locator: KT3TXK Requirements: lm_sensors package installed on target device(s) ssh.user and ssh.pass properties must be set CPU Core Instances: Overview Graph of Temps: