ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: API - Alerts - Filter by location Just found this to try. Re: API - Alerts - Filter by location Thanks! There was another page that suggested you could do that. You can use the '.' character to filter values within an object But, yes it doesn't mention that on the alert page. I tried the above and just get data that doesn't match, I can write somethingthatdefowontexist and it still return the same data I have now found that I can go the other way round $resourcePath = '/device/groups/2846/alerts' This works will for the devices but I am then going to miss websites that alert. Re: API - Alerts - Filter by location Ah okay so my companies naming convention has fooled me into thinking that the filter was called location, when I clear the filter it calls the box Group. When I look in the alert json data I can see monitorObjectGroups is that the same thing? If so I was trying below with no luck $resourcePath = '/alert/alerts' $filters = '?filter=severity>:4&' Re: API - Alerts - Filter by location API - Alerts - Filter by location In the logic monitor website I can filter alerts by location, I don't see that entry in the json file returned by the API. How do I get alerts per location please? Re: Access Raw Data via API Ak okay, so data rather than instances. Thank you, this gives with some data back although seems to have no values but I guess that may be a different issue. { "dataSourceName": "PingMulti", "dataPoints": [ "avgrtt", "maxrtt", "minrtt", "PingLossPercent", "recvdpkts", "sentpkts" ], "instances": { } } Re: Access Raw Data via API Thanks, $resourcePath = '/device/devices/465103/devicedatasources' gives me "id": 8252658, "deviceId": 465103, "dataSourceId": 376, $resourcePath = '/device/devices/465103/devicedatasources' $fields = '?filter=dataSourceId:376' Gives me a slimdowned version of the results. But I am failing to understand deviceDataSourceId as $resourcePath = '/device/devices/465103/devicedatasources/376/instances OR $resourcePath = '/device/devices/465103/devicedatasources/8252658/instances returns nothing. Re: Access Raw Data via API I can see from $resourcePath = '/setting/datasources' $fields = '?filter=displayName:Ping' That the dataSourceId I am interested in is id = 21 "id": 21, "description": "", "group": "", "appliesTo": "isDevice()", "technology": "", "tags": "ping,network", "name": "Ping", "displayName": "Ping", "version": 1515163055, "auditVersion": 0, "hasMultiInstances": false, "collectInterval": 60, "collectMethod": "ping", But when I look at the machine I am interested in, I do not find that id attached, yet in the UI the Ping graph is being filled in. Access Raw Data via API Hey I'm wanting to access the ping data of a device. I've not found an example in the v1 API document that shows how to do this. I've tried the below but haven't found what I expect, i.e. a long list of ping + time + result. $resourcePath = '/device/devices/465103/devicedatasources/376/data' $epochseconds = Get-Date (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime() -UFormat %s $fields = '?start=' + $epochseconds $url = 'https://' + $company + '' + $resourcePath + $fields Thanks Solved
Top ContributionsRe: API - Alerts - Filter by locationRe: API - Alerts - Filter by locationRe: API - Alerts - Filter by locationRe: API - Alerts - Filter by locationAPI - Alerts - Filter by locationRe: Access Raw Data via APIRe: Access Raw Data via APIRe: Access Raw Data via APIAccess Raw Data via APISolved