Forum Discussion

Archana's avatar
Icon for Neophyte rankNeophyte
3 months ago

Issue with Data fetch

I am fetching some metrics from LM dashboard into a text file via Python script. The data for the respective metrics are available in LM, for every 5 minutes. So the Python code is written in the way to get the data and save into the text file as logs for every 5 minutes.

But sometimes there are more instances of log events saved in the text file for every minute. As there are no data for every minute in LogicMonitor raw data, the values of the metrics are saved in the log file as "No Data". This creates data discrepancy, because the expected values of the metrics are numbers whereas they are logged actually as strings.

Also this behaviour is not happening all time, but they are happening intermittently. Unable to find where the issue is lying with.

Could anyone please help me in finding the issue over here?


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