Forum Discussion

Antony_Hawkins's avatar
5 years ago

VMWare Guest OS counts

A couple of DataSources for your vCenters, that will show you counts of VMs per unique OS, or per OS family.

They will look a bit like this:

just i


With further tweaking you could easily have these specifically pull out and therefore alert on the presence of "out of support" OSs (Windows 2000 and 2003, as per above screenshot!).

Interestingly, quite often VMWare will list the family as 'null' while a full OS name is reported. I have no idea why, but that's what comes back from the API.

Credentials are the same esx.user and esx.pass that you'll already have set for your vCenters, so just import the LogicModules and they'll apply and work.

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VMware_vCenter_GuestOSNameCounts: NPPDLT (v1.1.0)

VMware_vCenter_GuestOSFamilyCounts: JP3KG6 (v1.1.0)

  • Both are still under security review...I am assuming you can probably get that cleared easy enough....?

  • Ah, sorry, they got marked private during the LM Exchange roll-out. I've asked the team to review and release them, and have saved new versions as explicitly public. Once they're cleared I'll add them to a package so there should be a single import.

  • NB. These are both now marked public and accessible.

    I've also added them to a package in Exchange, named "VMware_vCenter_GuestOS Counts"

  • On 8/28/2020 at 8:39 AM, Antony Hawkins said:

    NB. These are both now marked public and accessible.

    I've also added them to a package in Exchange, named "VMware_vCenter_GuestOS Counts"


    This is very useful. Thank you for this!